Jesus Mentoring Ministries is a group of people who have entered into a relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, who surrendered His life to save ours. Each of us is a sinner who is saved by the grace of God alone. Through Jesus we have the hope and promise of eternal life.
Our goal is to encourage one another on our journey toward God. We come from all walks of life, with many different struggles, but we have the common goal of knowing God and abiding with Him.
We are committed to providing an environment that will nurture the spiritual growth of all who seek Him. Whether you you have yet to begin that journey or you have been in the faith a long time, you are welcome here.
Authority of the Bible
Both the Old and New Testaments tell the truth and are our final authority in matters of faith and life.
Sufficiency of the Cross
Because Jesus is both fully God and fully human, his death completely paid the price demanded by God’s holy law for our sins.
Living the New Life
In our relationship with Him we strive to turn away from sin and to bring glory to God by doing that which is right and holy, and by loving others as He loved us.
Reality of Christ’s Return and Rule in the Kingdom of God
Christ will return one day to establish the full rule and reign of God forever in a new heaven and earth.